Sunday, July 08, 2007

Growing up and cutting hair

Well Aidan got a new hair cut. I thought that he would sit still for me to trim his hair. NOT so I kinda messed it up and ended up using the clippers on it. Joe is happy that we have "finally" done it. It has grown on me and I think we'll keep it like this for the summer. Kayleigh is almost 2 months old. WHERE has the time gone? She is just getting so big and her great personality is really coming out. She loves watching Aidan so much. If she hears his voice near by she turns to find him. And he just love to dote over her. When she cries he says, "Oh no baby Kayleigh in trouble." Its too cute. If you don't know we have taken on the huge job of painting our house. Which first we have to scrap and sand. Its going faster than what we thought it would but man its hot out and standing next to a white house makes you kinda blind. We have been beating the heat by going to the pool a lot. Aidan loves to swim and Kayleigh ends up sleeping the whole time while we are there so we get to have some alone time with him.

Aidan trying to climb up the lader to get on top of the house to help Joe

Aidan and PaPa on the 4th of July
Kayleigh with her Great Grandma Larkin

Aidan in a bounce house at the fair

Aidan petting the pigs at the fair

This is in the basket of the fire truck lift. They had the fire trucks out there so the kids could get in the and stuff.

Waiting to watch the fireworks

Kayleigh 8 weeks Aidan 2.5 years old

My paci feel out so I'll just suck on my arm

My first set of bib. Oh and I love to suck on my hand

Pondering the world

I wore this outfit when I was a baby.

Her first smile that was caught on camera 8 weeks old

Daddy with Kayleigh

Aidan being a good big brother!!!
Mommy with Kayleigh


Debbie Sullivan said...

Great pics! I like Aidan's new haircut. I can't believe how fast Kayleigh is growing. She looks like her big brother.

Debbie & Tanner

Alexis said...

Kayleigh is getting so big. . .love all the new pics of her and Aidan.